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Letter: Tune out the noise and listen to yourself regarding vaccination 

letter to the editor

To the editor, 

–As per the CDC’s deaths per age group data from 539,827 deaths as of Sept. 13 2021, the age group was available for 539,769 (99-percent) of deaths. When you put these numbers beside the number of cases, it is astonishing how low the chance of death are from COVID. If you were just watching or reading the news there is no way you would believe how low of a risk people under the age of 65 actually have of dying from COVID.

If you are under the age of 65 what are you worried about? I get that maybe you do not want to pass it to your friends or family that is over 65 but 82.5-percent of those people are already vaccinated fully.

I do not understand why such the push to vaccinate people who have a 99-percent chance of survival? Can we all just be honest with each other? This disease is scary if you are over a certain age. 13-percent of the cases have resulted in 73-percent of the deaths.

The vaccine is new and therefore we do not know of any long-term side effects so why would we risk vaccinating our children and young adults? If your answer to this is “don’t be selfish and protect the elderly.” I would say the selfishness is the other way around. We should never risk our future because of the past. The kids have not had their chance to live yet. Maybe let us wait and see if their actually are any long-term side effects before we give this to our kids or young adults?

We are blaming the unvaccinated for continuing this pandemic on but really think to yourself. Why is it their fault? Why would a disease need mutate to infect a person that has not yet to be vaccinated? Would it not be the other way around? Maybe we should have only vaccinated the higher risk population and let the rest of us get the disease and build our immunity naturally. Most people who are unvaccinated display symptoms and therefor they tend to isolate. Vaccinated people tend to be asymptomatic. Therefore, common sense would say that if a vaccinated person were able to get COVID and transmit COVID would not they be the ones spreading the disease because they do not know that they have it.

Ultimately, do not listen to me. I by no means am an expert but I can critically think. I can read all of the data. I can do my own research and I can make up my own mind. Maybe we are all spending too much time listening and not thinking for ourselves. The internet is one of the greatest tools ever invented. We have all information at our fingertips and we have chosen not to use it. We just read headlines and talk trash. We blame everyone else and not ourselves.

Maybe it is time to tune out all of the noise. Do some research of your own and make your own informed decision.

Braden Wales
Paso Robles

Editor’s note: Letters to the editor are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Paso Robles Daily News or its staff. We welcome letters from local residents regarding relevant local topics. To submit one, click here.

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