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Letter: Our Georgia Brown community wants to move directly to 17th street 

letter to the editor

To the editor,

I wanted to provide an opposing opinion to that of Ms. Laura Parker of Paso Robles regarding the issue of the upcoming board meeting and, specifically, an agenda item to revisit the decision to move Georgia Brown and Glen Speck twice in two years.

This decision is a matter of finance and fit. It is extremely costly to move these campuses twice and doesn’t account for the double-size student body Georgia Brown will place in the already cramped site.

I am among the parents that requested this revisit. Our request is supported using district data and additional information from the architect, fire department, and others.

I, too, was present at the meetings where for months the double move was never a consideration, but rather a last-minute revision.

Our Georgia Brown community wants to move directly to 17th street because we don’t safely fit at the Flamson temporary campus and our 36th street campus won’t be rebuilt for us. We want the cost savings in doing so to be redistributed to other district projects, including Glen Speck.

You see, we are parents and would never consider pitting ourselves against other community children, families, and the teachers and staff of Glen Speck Elementary. The families are our neighbors and friends.

Reconsidering this decision with added transparency was the right decision, if not a difficult one. We are hopeful the trustees will hear our concerns and support our proposal.

We are confident that it will save money for the district and support both Georgia Brown and Glen Speck. We are thankful to have an opportunity tomorrow evening to illustrate our concerns and make a better decision on behalf of all our district’s children.


Adrienne Ferrara

Editor’s note: Opinion pieces and letters to the editor are the personal opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Paso Robles Daily News or its staff. We welcome letters from local residents regarding relevant local topics. To submit one, click here.

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