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5 Signs it’s Time To See an Audiologist 

When we get older, a loss of hearing can become more common, but these losses sometimes take place incrementally, making it difficult to pinpoint when they began or how severely you’re affected. You should consult with an audiologist if you encounter any of the following events:


Tinnitus, sometimes referred to as a ringing in the ears, is a frequently chronic ailment that will get worse if left untreated. Many people only experience it for a brief period after being subjected to sounds at a high volume, particularly over extended periods of time. Consult with a hearing professional if you believe you may have recently suffered significant hearing damage, be it from music festivals or a noisy work environment. You might even experience whirring and buzzing in your ear in addition to the ring that you notice. You can prevent those noises from getting much worse with a hearing aid from an audiologist that blocks out those unpleasant noises, so take a look at to find a hearing care specialist near you and book an appointment to get tested today.

Pain In Your Ear

Another indication that something could be problematic is an earache. If you suffer from pain inside your ear, it might indicate an infection, a buildup of wax, or another problem. Certain symptoms might also impair your hearing in addition to being bothersome in and of themselves. You should be examined as soon as possible if you are suffering from any ear pain. If this pain stems from an ear infection, then audiologists can identify and treat the issue. You could start by seeing your primary care physician or a doctor who specializes in ears, noses, and throats (ENT). If necessary, you’ll be sent on to other professionals.

For a Hearing Aid or Adjustment

When thinking about purchasing your first set of hearing devices, your first stop should be an audiologist. You will likely find that using a hearing aid makes it easier for you to participate in both private and group discussions and environments where listening is needed, such as watching tv. While using hearing aids for the very first time, noises like boots on the ground, office sounds, ticking clocks, and kitchen sounds will seem excessively noisy. This is to be expected when adjusting to the new sounds around you. When your brain becomes used to receiving these noises, your tendency to tune them out should get better. An excellent audiologist could advise you on which hearing aids are best for your circumstances, allow you to personalize the levels, and more. If you currently wear assistive hearing tech, your audiologist should be consulted for any upgrades or changes that you may want to make.

Muffled Hearing or Difficulty Hearing

Do you frequently have problems hearing the television? Do your neighbors or relatives grumble that you listen to movies and music too loudly? You might also be misinterpreting phone calls or needing individuals to repeat themselves over and over again. Since hearing impairment can develop gradually, you might not initially realize you have a problem, but when you, or perhaps another person notice the issue, then it could be time to arrange a hearing test. Sensorineural hearing loss, which can be brought on by everything from flying or coughing excessively to more severe symptoms including infection and brain or ear diseases, may lead to permanent hearing loss. It’s critical to get any abrupt deafness or abnormalities in the quality of your hearing evaluated by a specialist.

When It’s Time For a Checkup

It’s critical to plan routine ear exams in exactly the same way that you would arrange frequent doctor’s appointments to monitor other aspects of your well-being. One of the best methods to stay on top of changes in your hearing over time is to schedule a yearly consultation with an audiologist, who can do a thorough examination and provide you with suggestions on how best to safeguard your hearing. Consider asking yourself the following questions if you’re not certain that you need to have your hearing checked:

  • Are you 60 years old or older?
  • Have you previously been employed in a noisy environment, such as in the navy or manufacturing?
  • How long has it been since your most recent hearing check-up?
  • Do you think that you may be losing your hearing?
  • Do any of your hearing aids require maintenance?

Each of these is an excellent cause to set up an appointment with a hearing care specialist.

Have your hearing examined every year even if you believe you aren’t old enough or listen to loud enough movies and music to need to visit an audiologist. Your general health is affected by your senses, and if you don’t treat your ears for potential loss and catch any issues early, the rest of your body might suffer as a result. If any of the above danger signals might apply to you, call an audiologist and schedule an appointment with them right away.


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About the author: Access Publishing

Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on Paso Robles Daily News on Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog.