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Letter: Bearcats voice support for Carey Alvord Schof 

letter to the editor

To the editor,

Paso Robles is a town of traditions, Bearcat pride, and yes, varying opinions. The beauty of our small town has always been that though we come from different walks of life, we are united as Paso Roblans, as Bearcats!

Unfortunately of late, we are starting to see a trend in our town that threatens the hometown values that make us special. Currently, there is a blatant attack on individual community members who speak their minds and stand up for what they believe in. Community members who have lived in North County for generations are being threatened and bullied into silence.

We are writing today to state boldly and simply: this is not who we are as Bearcats and we will not stand for the defamation of our community members. Legal, spirited, appropriate discourse should always be encouraged in our community.

For those of you who are unaware of the referenced concerns above, let us share a brief account of the unnecessary harassment and slander of Carey Alvord Schof.

Carey is a third-generation North County community member. Her grandparents moved to the Atascadero area in the 1950s. (If you drive around Greyhound territory you will see the Alvord name prominently displayed throughout the town.)

Her father taught and continues to coach at Paso Robles High School for over 40 years. Carey attended Paso Robles Schools her entire life, received a volleyball scholarship upon graduating, and has always been a kind, and yes “caring” human being.

Carey continues to live here in Paso Robles with her husband Darrel Schof, retired US Navy (21 years).

For those who have been lucky enough to know Carey for decades, they know she would give the shirt off of her back for those in need. She has dedicated her life to helping others through her career as a therapist, years of teaching literacy, volunteer work for the unhoused, as an adoptive parent, foster parent, and much more. She is the kind of friend and community member who is first to call when someone has lost a loved one, is in need, or just to check in to see if there is anything she can do to help.

So here we are today, in Paso Robles; our town. Carey Alvord, a community member and Bearcat alumni is being threatened, had a complaint filed against her, and defamed for utilizing her constitutional right as a registered voter.

She made a brave decision and spoke up for our public schools and for children who were being diminished, marginalized, and ridiculed.

The facts are simple: Yes, Carey helped organize a petition to recall a board member trustee. But let us be clear: Carey did not coerce anyone to sign the petition. In fact, hundreds of registered voters sought her out to sign. Carey did not work on this petition during work hours or use district resources in any way. Carey stood up for what she believed was right for the Paso Robles community and schools.

Some may disagree with the petition or the legal process that allows for such a petition process to take place. But, as American citizens can we really disagree with an individual taking, in her personal time, legal, appropriate civic action?

As Paso Roblans, can you stand back in silence and let our community member have her safety and livelihood threatened because she followed an electoral procedure? (Note: In 2021, we as California voters saw, and possibly participated in, the same process at the gubernatorial level.)

Carey has also been accused (in published letters and on social media) of posting inappropriate links on the PRJUSD website. Carey did not post these links. It is known throughout the school district that the links in question were posted long before Carey was employed at the school district. This is another example of slanderous rhetoric towards Carey which is extremely harmful to her career.

We are Bearcats. We believe in healthy discourse and discussion. We know that differences and diversity of thought make us stronger as a community. We do not stand for defamation and bullying. We protect our community members and we help each other, just like Carey. As Bearcats, we know better and must do better.

In closing, there is a saying in our town, “Once a Bearcat, Always a Bearcat.” Let it be known, we support our Bearcat: Carey Alvord Schof. And we ask our community to stop the untruths and threats. Paso Roblans, move forward with civility, integrity, and kindness. We respectfully ask this because we care about the future of our town, our community, and our children.


Darrel Schof 
Susana A. López, Ph.D 
Laura Esquivel 
Tim Alvord 
Mary Beth Alvord 
Juanetta Perkins 
Lauren Herrick 
Jen Gaviola 
Susie Schlepenbauch
Jeff Railsback 
Kris Beal 
Laurie Bryant 
Mark Martinez 
Elena Garcia 
Scott Larson 
Sue Larson 
Cynthia Lewis, PhD 
Julie Seden-Hansen, LMFT, LPCC
Susie Schleppenbach

Editor’s note: Opinion pieces and letters to the editor are the personal opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Paso Robles Daily News or its staff. We welcome letters from local residents regarding relevant local topics. To submit one, click here.

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