Paso Robles News|Monday, May 6, 2024
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PRO Water Equity hails passage of Sustainable Groundwater Management Act 

This is an historic week for North San Luis Obispo County. California is at long last leaving the Wild West behind when it comes to managing groundwater. By signing the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, Governor Brown brought California groundwater law into the 21st century. We are gratified that the other groundwater related bill signed by Governor Brown was AB 2453. It permits a local water district to be formed for the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin with a “hybrid” board of directors, allowing local, flexible representation that gives everyone a voice while allowing no single person or group to control the board.

As overliers of the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin, we know firsthand the severity of the groundwater situation by watching the dramatic decline of our well levels. The signing of AB 2453, in combination with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, give us hope for a basin that will be sustainable into the future.

The question is no longer “Are we going to have a management structure for the basin?” but “Who will be the face of the management structure for the basin?” Who better than locally-elected people who live and work here, have a direct and vested interest in management of our common resource, and have the focus and accountability needed?

It’s time to rally behind creating a locally-managed water district with a hybrid board of directors for the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin. We have to begin the work of managing our precious, common resource. Our lives, property values, livelihoods, and ability to enjoy this beautiful place in which we live depend on it.

The Governor and Assembly Member Achadjian have shown true leadership when it comes to groundwater. We hope the County Board of Supervisors will pick up the leadership reins, using the power given them in AB 2453 to submit a resolution of application to LAFCO beginning the process of forming a local water district.

Sue Luft
President, PRO Water Equity

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