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1902: Exceptionally fine display of products at Paso Robles 

Los Angeles Herald

Today in history

Los Angeles Herald, Volume XXIX, Number 358, 26 September 1902


Exceptionally Fine Display of Products at Paso Robles

SAN LUIS OBISPO. Sept. 25—The Sixteenth District agricultural fair opened yesterday in Paso Robles and will continue throughout the week. There is a large attendance. The number of exhibits and exhibitors is greater this year than ever before and notwithstanding the fact that several thousand feet of space were added to the pavilion, the room is all taken and encroachments have been made upon the auditorium. Electric lights have been put in. The fountain has been changed and its charms add much to the array of fruits, flowers and art.

In the display of merchandise and manufactured products the businessmen of Paso Robles have made greater efforts than ever before. Arroyo Grande is on hand with several tons of matchless agricultural products. The farmers of the vicinity of Templeton show an exhibit of almost endless variety, while the farmers and businessmen of Paso Robles and vicinity fill all the rest of the available space.

The exhibit of stock and poultry is better than It has been before. Santa Ysabel ranch shows some thoroughbred cattle and other displays make this an important feature.

The Southern Pacific company has made a rate of one and a third fares from all points between San Miguel and Oceano, tickets good from the 23d to the 28th, inclusive.

It is more than probable that there will be a paying gold mine almost within the city limits soon. R. E. Jack said today that the developments on the Chorro during the past few days have been most satisfactory to all concerned. The small force of men engaged In the prospect work are down forty feet on the ledge and the assays have been highly satisfactory, some tests running as high $96 a ton. Work will be actively pushed from now on to determine the extent of the deposit.

The Democrats of this city opened the campaign last evening. The speakers were W. E. Smythe, congressional nominee for the Eighth district, and R. A. Thompson of San Francisco.

The ladies of the Catholic church at Nipomo have made arrangements to hold a fair on the evenings of October 9, 10 and 11. Interesting programs, changed each evening, will be rendered, after which dancing will be indulged in. The Pacific Coast company has made a low rate for the round trip from this city on one evening.

At the advanced age of 85 years, Francisco S. Rodrigues died yesterday at his home near this city. He was a native of Monterey, where he was born in 1817. He leaves several children.

Throughout the county the greatest harmony prevails in the Republican ranks. The candidates for the various county offices are meeting with much encouragement and a clean and honorable campaign is being conducted.

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About the author: Publisher Scott Brennan

Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Follow him on Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog.