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Sonderling shares the tale of Passover through wine 

Our Family Passover Seder
Sonderling Style

Passover Seder in our house is always a very special event, with family and friends. It is steeped in family history and tradition, and as meaningful and important as it is, it is also: Fun!

We try to make it that way for all: From the five-year old to the 93-year old.

It’s more than just “telling the story” of The Exodus. It’s about blending together family, friends, history and….Wine! Because…on Passover, you are commanded to drink (a minimum) four glasses of wine. At least, in our house!

So, for my friends and followers, fellow sippers, wine lovers, winemaker and winery friends, following is a re-cap of this year’s story of Passover, Sonderling style…with help from some of our Paso friends! I hope you enjoy our journey.

The leader of the service would be me, also referred to as The Maven, who

Passover 1

(Torrin, 2011)

tells the Epoch story of the Israelites flight from bondage, in the land of Egypt.

Passover 2

(Zinfandel, 2010)

Moses, as we all know, in a Brash move, tells Pharaoh “Let My People Go!”

passover 3

(ONX, 2011)

When Pharaoh relents, Moses then leads the People of Israel on the Mother of Exiles, out of Egypt, towards the Promised Land.

Passover 4

(Denner, 2010)

The Israelites, after being slaves for centuries, were Euphoric to be free.

Passover 5

(Nicora, 2011)

Journeying through the desert, Moses heard God speak, commanding him to go climb up the Toasted Slope of the highest mountain

Passover 6

(Alta Colina, 2009)

Where Moses then received the Sagacious Law from God.

Passover 7

(Sagacious Law, 2010)

Upon descending the mountain, Moses saw his Cohorts worshiping a golden calf

Passover 8

(Caliza, 2011)

And in a fit of rage, threw the tablets of law to the ground, shattering them into Broken Stones.

Passover 9

(Saxum, 2011)

Alas, the Jewish people were now destined to wander the desert, praying that there Comes a Time, for peace on Earth.

Passover 10

(Paix Sur Terre, 2013)

And that my friends, is the story of Passover, told in wine. With prayers and wishes for all of you, and blessings, for love and health and happiness, and of course, good wine, for all of humankind.

And if you wondered: We fulfilled the commandment to drink at least four glasses of wine, in fact, we managed to drink many many more than four glasses….which included all of the special Paso-ver bottles shown above! Sharing special wine with special friends for a special event….and that is what wine and celebrations, is all about.

The plagues.

The plagues.

Passover tray.

Passover tray.

Passover dinner.

Passover dinner.

The aftermath.

The aftermath.

The count.

The count.



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