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Paso Robles High School’s FFA program ranked fifth in the state 

Paso Robles High School's FFA program ranked 5th in the state

Photos courtesy Paso Robles High School.

Program has earned a ranking of fifth out of more than 380 agriculture programs in the state of California

Paso Robles High School’s Agriculture and Future Farmers of America (FFA) program has earned a ranking of fifth out of more than 380 agriculture programs in the state of California. This ranking is based on the statistical performance indicators of the following categories: State FFA Executive Committee Members, State FFA Degrees, American FFA Degrees, State Proficiency Awards, and State Championships.

The program is important for several reasons. It provides students with opportunities to learn about agriculture, develop leadership skills, and explore potential careers in the field. FFA also encourages teamwork, responsibility, and a strong work ethic. It helps students build connections with industry professionals and gain hands-on experience through various activities such as fabricating metal projects, designing floral arrangements, understanding veterinary sciences, raising quality livestock, participating in various competitions, and engaging in community services. The program plays a vital role in preparing students for success in agriculture-related fields.

“One of the best parts of my job is seeing my students explore different aspects of the agriculture industry,” Paso Robles High School teacher and FFA advisor Alison Weiss said. “There truly is something for everyone within this organization, and I love watching students find their interests within agriculture. Paso Robles High School ranking 5th in the state would not be possible without the support of our community, families, staff, and students. This is a great accomplishment!”

This past year, Paso Robles High School received the most American Degrees out of all high school agriculture programs in the state. Twenty-two Paso Robles High School FFA Alumni students received their American Degree, which is the highest degree attained by FFA members. This honor is given to students who are one year out of high school, have more than 50 hours of community service, and have profited $10,000 or more from their Supervised Agricultural Experience Projects (or invested $7,500).

The PRHS FFA American Degree recipients are excited to be recognized at this year’s National FFA Convention as they continue to pursue their agricultural endeavors after high school.

In 2023, Paso Robles also ranked within the top 10 schools in terms of State FFA Degree production. A State FFA Degree is awarded to members who have spent 500 hours on a Supervised Agricultural Experience project, made or invested $1,000 into their project, and completed 25 or more hours of community service. Earning a State FFA Degree is a testament to the dedication of students involved in the agriculture department at the high school level.Paso Robles High School's FFA program ranked 5th in the state

Paso Robles FFA Chapter President and high school senior, Kylee Dayton said, “Earning a State FFA Degree has given me opportunities to further myself within the organization. I plan to pursue a career within the agriculture industry, and FFA has given me hands-on experience to be able to achieve that”. Kylee Dayton is a current student in Agriculture Leadership, Agricultural Economics/Government, and Floral Design. Kylee says, “adding Ag Leadership this year at the high school has given us the chance to grow our organization in many ways. It is fun to see our chapter members be more engaged in all that FFA has to offer.”

Not only is Paso Robles High School FFA and Ag Department paving the way in terms of degree production, but they also had a student attain a State Agriculture Proficiency award in the category of Agricultural Design and Fabrication. Agricultural Proficiency awards are recognized at the local and state level and provide recognition to outstanding student projects.

High school senior and Paso Robles FFA Vice President, Tiffani Santoro said, “I enjoy being able to make connections with the people I meet at conferences and activities. I also like getting to know my advisors on a personal level and being able to have someone to look up to and depend on each day. FFA has made a positive impact on my high school experience!”

Currently, the Paso Robles High School Ag Department and FFA have 490 students involved.

To get involved with this program serving our high school students and community, contact the Agriculture Department advisors at the high school: Theresa Clark, Amanda Gardner, Alison Weiss, and Matt Vierra.

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The news staff of the Paso Robles Daily News wrote or edited this story from local contributors and press releases. The news staff can be reached at